The participant experience at the heart of our approach 


The participant experience is at the heart of our approach. The majority of our training courses for businesses are based on blended learning (classroom-based and distance learning) including comprehensive individual and collective support to guarantee a long-lasting impact for the individual and the business. This makes it possible:

  • before: to refresh or develop knowledge to prepare training modules
  • during: to create a collective, to maintain a link between the various training modules, to maintain the community, to strengthen and continue with the learning process, to challenge practices and more
  • afterwards: to measure the impact of the training course on the individual and the business

The participant plays an active role and learns simultaneously by means of reading material, videos, business case studies, MOOCs, virtual lectures and more. emlyon coaches support participants throughout their online learning experience.

We work with various partners to implement the technological solutions which are best suited to the training course’s aims.