Portrait Nadine Adra

Your Recruitment Managers

Célia KAUFFMANN • +33 6 31 03 02 74
Ali ELYASSARI • +33 6 72 14 58 37
Kévin O'CONNOR • +33 6 74 33 71 37
A unique e-mail: exec_mba@eml-executive.com


Holder of an Executive MBA obtained in 2013 with EML Executive Development, Nadine Adra today occupies the position of General Manager of Transénergie. Last November, she won the “Femme sur le Marché International” (Women on the International Business) award for the Rhône-Alpes region during the “Trophées des Femmes de l’Économie” (Business Women Trophies). A reward that is a part of Transénergie regional base, and in its will to develop a coherent, visible and sustaining company.  


Nadine Adra















What is Transénergie activity?

  • Transénergie is a design office and a training organisation specialised in renewable energies and the energy control. It is an EDF and TOTAL subsidiary that takes action in France and at international level since more that 22 years. 

According to you, what are the energy growing sectors?

  • 2015 Paris will welcome the “Conférence Internationale sur le Climat” (International Conference about Climate), COP 21. What if tomorrow, we were not talking about the Kyoto Accord, but about the Paris Accord? And what would the renewable energies place be in this agreement? Today, we talk about smart and interconnected grids, flows energy sources, digital introduction, auto-consumption (prosumers) and about the economic model evolution. We also talk about positive energy buildings that must generalize 2020.

What is EMLYON place in current energy games ?

  • The link between the energy component and business represents one of the challenges of our times I know that EMLYON does everything in its power to integrate a sustainable dimension in its programmes.

What is the best advice that has been given to you at EMLYON?

  • Enhance your particularity and creativity!

In the other way round this time. What advice would you give to those who currently follow our programmes?

  • Rely on the acquired competencies and on EMLYON network but also add your own touch to what you do and undertake.

What is the last thing you do before going to sleep?

  • I write little poems and create a connection between the artistic and business worlds.

Do you have an entrepreneur, leader or anyone else, who inspires you?

  • I am mostly inspired by my Phoenician roots, this merchants and sailors nation, which give me the taste for business and for the exchange with different cultures.

How do you imagine your tomorrow career? Comment imaginez-vous votre carrière demain?

  • In a few words: creating, exchanging and developing.