
A programme developed for the Orange Group to instil an intrapreneurial 

In brief

To keep pace, Orange employees must remain flexible, inspire ambition and unleash energy in ways which are generally associated with start-ups. Orange, the telecommunications giant, tackled this essential issue by means of a unique collaboration with emlyon business school, which put the company’s senior managers in direct contact with start-ups to help this large company’s employees to appropriate an intrapreneurial mindset.


Would you like to train your employees? Contact us for more information

Romuald GALLET
Executive Education Development Director

01 53 34 23 97 / 06 07 95 65 42

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Client requirements

To address the market’s key issues, Orange employees must remain flexible, inspire ambition and unleash energy in ways which are generally associated with start-ups.Orange, the telecommunications giant, tackled this essential issue by means of a unique collaboration with emlyon business school, which put the company’s senior managers in direct contact with start-ups to help this large company’s employees to appropriate an intrapreneurial mindset.

Participant profiles

All HR employees involved in transformational projects within the business

Teaching methods

A bespoke training programme which combined several way of learning:

  • Based on the flipped classroom strategy, the course initially encouraged participants to reflect on their own practices within a changing landscape via online modules.
  • Classroom-based sessions offered an opportunity to share their thoughts as a group and to consider the development of their role.
  • A start-up immersion helped participants to learn from specific innovative experiences and to understand new ways of working. This experience accelerated their ability to reinvent business models and boosted their motivation. Within the business, this approach entailed the implementation of new measures in their daily working lives to shake up their usual ways of working.
  • Individual or collective monitoring was offered to support participants as they made these changes.
  • Un suivi individuel ou collectif est proposé pour les accompagner dans ces évolutions

The benefits for the business

  • HR employees who felt genuinely involved and embarked on the business’ transformation projects with a focus on engagement
  • Employees felt energised and motivated after contact with start-ups
  • A training course which developed employees’ ability to innovate, encouraging them to disrupt existing models within the business
  • A training course which redefined new practices, models and ways of working