SOCOTEC management campus

A course to create managerial and performance management cultures 


In brief

A wide-ranging management programme for 455 SOCOTEC managers in Lyon and Paris to develop a shared managerial culture and consistent performance management.



Romuald GALLET
Executive Education Development Director

01 53 34 23 97 / 06 07 95 65 42

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Client requirements

To support its ambition of becoming the leading European ITC company in construction and infrastructure and increasing its turnover by 2020, Socotec wanted to implement a vast programme for 455 of its managers from 4 business units. The course aimed to create a managerial culture, consistent performance management and trans-business units.

Participant profiles

Potential and high potential managers and members of the board of directors

Teaching methods

  • 1 kick off launch event in Lyon and Paris
  • 7 classroom-based modules on management, with online activities in between modules
  • Throughout the course, an individual or collective mentored project, focused on excellence - emlyon coaches provided support for participants and their projects
  • A final oral exam for emlyon certification

The benefits for the business

  • Enabling managers to become experts in their roles and tasks
  • Fostering internal collaboration and understanding of the roles within each BU
  • Promoting innovation and the use of innovative and collaborative methods and tools
  • Transforming managers into inspiring leaders
  • Turning every manager into an ambassador for the business
  • Addressing key HR issues; supporting change and creating a shared culture, harmonising managerial skills and standardising practices, retaining executive talent, giving new meaning to the managerial role
  • A training course financed by the CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation) training scheme