Making leaders

A leadership course, designed for and by senior managers

A leadership course, designed for and by senior managers

In brief:

A training programme to develop Capgemini’s leaders, to identify talent and to help this talent to grow and to develop managerial capabilities with which to strengthen the business’ human capital at all levels. 


Would you like to train your employees? Contact us for more information

Romuald GALLET
Directeur du Développement Executive Education
Executive Education Development Director

01 53 34 23 97 / 06 07 95 65 42

Contact us

Client requirements

Capgemini France needed to develop the leadership of its managers to enable them to successfully implement its strategy. This training programme helped to develop a shared culture of leadership in multiple group entities. It also helped to develop talent, to help this talent to grow and to develop managerial capabilities with which to strengthen the business’ human capital at all levels.

Participant profiles

VP, senior managers one and two levels below VP

Teaching methods

This 9-month programme included 3 training sessions, each lasting 2 days:

  • Making Interactive Leaders
  • Making Innovative Leaders
  • Making Inspiring Leaders

The programme also included practical sessions in which theory was put into practice, all based on the Group’s leadership model.

E-learning modules were a key part of the learning process throughout the programme and emlyon coaches provided participants with remote support.

The benefits for the business

  • Better talent management and a way to retain talent
  • Improved standardisation of managerial practices
  • The development of a leadership position, tailored to the fast-paced environment of the business
  • A training course financed by the CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation) training scheme