Excellence program

A programme to bring Atos’ managers together to focus on the digital transformation 

In brief

Atos France decided to address today’s challenges by working with emlyon business school to offer its managers an ambitious, tailor-made and year-long training programme. A high-level collaborative experience. 


Would you like to train your employees? Contact us for more information

Romuald GALLET
Executive Education Development Director

01 53 34 23 97 / 06 07 95 65 42

Contact us

Client requirements

Operating within a complex, uncertain environment, Atos France has embarked on a wide-ranging strategic transformation. It wanted to support its managers in the digital transformation, the company’s core business, to enable them to better respond to the market’s new demands and to develop a collaborative mindset within its teams.

Participant profiles


Teaching methods

4 complementary areas of focus:

  • The kick off: 2 days on emlyon’s Paris campus, launch of project-focused peer group work with experiential workshops including drama, drawing and singing
  • Co-development: the training course was organised in peer groups of 6 managers who were to be responsible for the strategic project at the end of the course
  • The training modules: 10 days of classroom-based learning, focusing on leadership and emotional intelligence, neurosciences and management, positive team coaching and more. These modules were given by a team of speakers, in addition to online classes (reading, short videos, etc.), support for peer groups and a series of 3 lectures.
  • Certification: given after an oral exam on the strategic project. Which the group worked on over the year.

The benefits for the business

  • Acknowledgement of the key role and position of managers within the organisation
  • The development of managerial and intrapreneurial skills
  • Practical resources to deal with the transformation and to better understand the new issues facing the business and the sector
  • Better team cohesion and a shared corporate culture
  • A training course financed by the CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation) training scheme