EML Executive Development is EMLYON Business School's continuing education division.

Our mission: to develop agile, responsible managers in a changing world, for a positive impact on the performance of companies and on the ecosystem at a global level.

Our courses are structured to assist managers and leaders as they develop their career, in line with company strategies.


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Courses in 9 different fields

General Management, Management & Human Resources, Strategy & Governance, Marketing, Purchasing, Finance and Performance Management, Sales Development and Customer Relations, Personal Growth, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

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66 short programmes (2 to 5 days)

Two types of short programmes offered in all areas of management: operational training for developing skills and mastering tools and methods, training for senior managers and leaders who are looking to enrich their strategy and develop their entrepreneurial spirit.

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10 certificates (8 to 22 days)

Training courses for reaching a new level in a current position, exchanging ideas with peers and gaining a deeper understanding of key concepts within a profession. It is possible to cross over to a diploma course.

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3 diplomas

Three diplomas for executives, executive managers and business leaders: the General Management Programme (GMP), EMLYON MBA and the Advanced Management Programme (AMP).




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Corporate Solutions 


EML Executive Development can also be adapted to the needs of companies through its intra-company and personalised programmes.
The personalised programmes are developed by EMLYON experts and professors. We work with companies to define their training objectives, in line with their strategic focus in a spirit of co-construction.